Parent Involvement
SUHSD offers many opportunities for parents to become involved in their child’s educational life. All school sites encourage parents to volunteer and support parent involvement by providing either designated parent centers or centralized locations for parents to get information about events on campus.
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Parent and Family Engagement Policy (BP6020) English
Parent and Family Engagement Policy (BP6020)/Spanish
Parent and Family Engagement Policy (AR6020) English
Parent and Family Engagement Policy (AR6020) Spanish
School Site Parent Involvement Policies
For information about how to volunteer, please visit your child’s school for an application and see below for parent groups.
District Parent Advisory Groups
District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC)
District-level English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
SUHSD Parent Groups Information
School Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA)
“All schools that get money from the government have to update their plans every year to make sure students are making progress. The plans for the school year have been checked and approved by the School Site Councils (SSC). These plans include details about special programs and how the extra money is spent. The schools have to show how these programs and expenses are backed up by data and chosen to help students do better in their studies.”
For more information on your school’s site SPSA, please click here
California Dashboard
The California School Dashboard provides parents and educators with meaningful information on school and district progress so they can participate in decisions to improve student learning.
Upcoming DPAC and DELAC Meetings