District-level English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

District-level English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

SUHSD serves over 9300 English Learners. Our DELAC parent group meets monthly to advise the local governing board on programs and services for English Learners. The DELAC assists in developing and providing input in establishing district programs and goals for English Learners. Each school with an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) elects representatives to serve on the DELAC. The DELAC provides regular updates to the board regarding the needs of English Learners.

Comité Consultivo del Distrito para la Adquisición del Inglés (DELAC*)

El Distrito SUHSD brinda servicios a más de 9300 alumnos en vías de aprender inglés. El grupo de padres de familia del DELAC se reúne mensualmente con el fin de aconsejar a los miembros de la mesa directiva del Distrito sobre los programas y servicios para dichos alumnos. El propósito del DELAC es apoyar y aportar ideas y sugerencias para el desarrollo de programas y para lograr metas para los alumnos en vías de aprender inglés. Las escuelas en las que se cuenta con comité consultivo para alumnos en vías de aprender inglés (ELAC*) elijen a los representantes del DELAC. El DELAC rinde informes, con regularidad, ante la mesa directiva del Distrito sobre las necesidades de los alumnos en vías de aprender inglés.

CDE DELAC Guidelines

DELAC Bylaws 











Each California public school, grades kindergarten through 12, with 21 or more English learners must form an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC).  The site ELAC elects at least one representative to the District English Learners Advisory Committee which meets monthly.

English Learner Master Plan (ELMP)

What is the English Learner Master Plan (ELMP)? We are so proud to have a draft of the English Learner Master Plan for SUHSD. It reflects our deep commitment to our EL students, including our special needs, immigrant, migrant, refugee, and SLIFE (Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education) students. Most of the plan simply states what staff are already doing and have done for some years in Sweetwater. It reflects the tireless efforts and commitment of our leadership, teachers, support staff, and community in working towards the limitless success of our EL students.

Meeting Archive

2023-2024 Archived Meeting Documents

2022-2023 Archived Meeting Documents

2021-2022 Archived Meeting Documents

2020-2021 Archived Meeting Documents

2019-20 Archived Meeting Documents

2018-19 Archived Meeting Documents

2017-18 Archived Meeting Documents

2016-17 Archived Meeting Agendas and Minutes

2015-16 Archived Meeting Agendas and Minutes